Youth Compose And Report A Song In 2 Days

Maurice Gee, and Diamond. A number of other songs, duets, and solos were additionally very creditably given by Messrs. Dyer, Jagoe, and Gee, the most noticeable of which have been the duet “Flow gentry, Deva,” by Messrs. Dyer and Jagoe; solo, “Star of affection PM Civil Pty Ltd,” Mr. Dyer; “The Flying Dutchman,” by Mr. Jagoe; the properly known comedian song, the “German Band,” Mr. M. Gee . A musical and dramatic leisure was given within the Temperance Hall, North Adelaide, on Friday evening, July 19, and was a

there was, nonetheless, no lack of vitality. The musical and dramatic elements were well sustained, and drew down thunders of approbation. At the conclusion of the performances, Messrs. Schrerder [sic] and Gingey, two well-known musicians, who’re under an engagement at the hotel, saved the audience in mirthful excitement till the break of morn. At the conclusion of the lecture 27 working males, constituting a choir skilled at the hall, sang “Australia’s Cherished Dream,” Mr. Joseph Gillott enjoying the accompaniment, and subsequently singing the whole of his Australian patriotic songs.

and it was resolved to write down to the secretary of the Melbourne Philharmonic Society, for the loan of the music as carried out at the opening of the London Exhibition, with a view to place the same in rehearsal . The first of a sequence of Saturday Night Concerts for the People was given on Saturday night last, in the new Temperance Hall. William Burrow, Esq., Mayor of Geelong, presided.

Isabella MELODIA

Will either obtain Pupils at his Residence, or attend corresponding to may wish it at theirs. – Lewis Chambaud’s French and English Dictionary, in 4 vols, on the market. This priceless work is too well-known to require any comment. GIRARD, of Paris, presenting Compliments to the Families of Sydney, most respectfully informs them that he offers Instruction in his native language, and also in quadrilles, waltzes, &c.

Youth Compose And Report A Song In 2 Days

Mr. Burton-Gibbs, buying and selling as Gibbs, Shallard, and Company, was for many years one of many main printers and publishers of town, amongst his publications being the “Illustrated Sydney News.” His premises have been concerned in the nice conflagration which swept Pitt avenue within the ‘nineties, and had been totally destroyed. The deceased was a native of Derby.

the whole reflecting the very best credit upon Mr. Chapman, the builder, to whose care the erection was entrusted. We perceive that Mr. Heffernan has in contemplation the erection of a splendid live performance room, superior to any on the Bendigo . Beyond query, the Shamrock Hotel has one of the best musical corporations in the district, and the massive assist it receives is properly deserved. The engagement of Miss Urie still continues, and her excellent singing meets with the same recognition as ever.

Burlesque – “Away she went.” – D. Brenni Refrain – ” Oh! Boys, carry me along.” – F.

St Benedicts Catholic Faculty, New South Wales, 2022

SONG, “Tarry awhile with me, &c.” by a Lady. AIR, with Variations, by Mr. GEE. SONG, ” What’s a girl like?” by Mr. LEVY. QUINTETTE, Clarionet, Flute, Horn, Bassoons.

The University Of Sydney –

Mr. Gavin, on the flute, met with an encore in “He was despised and rejected of men” . The justly popular band of the Queen’s Own (50th) intend to give a live performance in the outer Domain, on Monday evening next. The proceeds from which might be handed over to the funds of the Sydney Infirmary. It is with much satisfaction that we carry out the pleasing responsibility of drawing the eye of the common public to the very fact, that Mr. Gassner the able conductor of the band, is to have a complementary concert in the Outer Domain, on Friday subsequent, the 26th instant. We belief that the residents of Sydney will take this opportunity of testifying their appreciation of the valuable companies rendered by this really good musician,

shortly after which the Rev. John Gardner learn an extended and eloquent dissertation on the character and utility of sacred music, which he handed under evaluate. The numerous objections urged to the advantages of such societies as that simply known as into existence; after which, the live performance commenced under the in a position superintendence of Messrs. Daniel and Chapman .

beg to tell the inhabitants, typically that they have returned from Hobarton, and can remain in Launceston during the winter. They might be joyful to attend Quadrille and Evening Parties, and commit their greatest energies to the amusement of the city generally. This band may be recognized by their uniform, blue and silver. All commands to be left with Mr. G. Shipley, Wellington-street. The private subscription ball of Mons. Gilbert takes place on Monday night next, on the Academie d’Appollon, Harrington-street.

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